December 4, 2023
New Week, New Patch for you! 1.3.3 Is Ready to Check Out!

Happy Monday everybody! We are excited to announce that we have patch 1.3.3 ready for you all to download and install! Please update when you see it and let us know how it works for you!
Major Fixes:
- Various buildings no longer rotate their placement after save / load.
- Various buildings no longer rotate their placement after switching between Play mode and Design mode in Playgrounds.
- Playgrounds that use a Player Spawner as the starting spawn location will properly be deactivated when another Player Spawner uses the "Set Checkpoint" action.
- Equipment generating gizmo now returns current equipped items to your inventory or drops them in the world when equipping new items.
Crash Fixes:
- Fixed crash that could occur if an Explosive Bur Trap was near a Laser Pillar.
Other Bug Fixes:
- Items grown in the Garden Patch will no longer fall over after loading a save.
- Dew drops no longer fall off of Dew Collectors after loading a save.
- Clients can eat meat directly off the Campfire again.
- Enemy health bar properly prioritizes creatures over players when playing as a client.
- Buildings you build in Play mode in a Playground now count towards coziness.
- The "Push to Sprint" game option properly toggles Sprint off if you press the Sprint button while Sprinting.
- Coziness works in Playgrounds mode for buildings players have built in Play mode.
- Certain quest objective markers now point to the proper location.
- Reduced intermittent hitching that could take place when you had a large base.
- Removed HDR setting on console that caused improper colors and harder to read user interfaces.
- Improved Whiffle Ball visuals on Xbox One.
- Additional BURG.L quest fixes.