Public Test through Xbox Flight Closed for New Players

Due to some unforeseen issues that have been brought to our attention after launching the Xbox Flight for Grounded, we will need to close off the flight to any players currently not in the flight. Those who are in the flight will still have access to the flight build, but we recommend that they do not leave the flight at this time.
We have been made aware of an issue where player save files were being wiped when moving from the Xbox Flight back to the live build, and in order to investigate into this and prevent more save files from being lost, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily stop the flight at this time. We are committed to investigating this issue in order to open the flight back up as soon as we are able to find the cause and apply a fix for this specific issue.
To all of our players who were looking forward to joining the Xbox Flight, we apologize that you were not able to join us at this time. To all of our players who have reported this issue and worked with us to investigate this so far, we appreciate you. This is our first time utilizing the Xbox Flight Program during a public test, and we are still learning. We will look into ways to prevent this from happening in future public tests so that all players who are with us during this early development period can continue to help us test while maintaining their saves on the public builds.