August 13, 2024
Patch 1.4.4 is now available for all!

Happy Tuesday Friends! We are proud to present patch 1.4.4 for Grounded. We’d like to thank you all for supporting the game through early access into full release as this game wouldn’t be the same without all of you sharing your input and reporting issues you experienced.
Please let us know if you run into any issues after you’ve downloaded the patch. If you have any issues, please contact us at
Bug Fixes / Changes
General Changes:
- Login / Host / Join failures display more information on the failure popup.
REMIX.D Yard - Changes:
- Reduced the damage multiplier all creatures get in New Game+ by 33%.
- Reduced the infusion chance for spiders added in the Hedge Broodmother boss fight by 50%.
- MIX.Rs no longer spawn in double or more of the amount of creatures compared to the standard campaign. Instead if is only 10% more each New Game+.
- Reduced the AOE range of the Mint infusion attack that applies to players when hit. Reduces the number of one shots that can happen when playing in multiplayer while clumped together.
- A certain late game character no longer triggers infusion attacks when hit. (Hint: he could really use a Billy Hog right now)
- Reduced CPU usage.
PlayStation 5:
- Added Adaptive Trigger support.
- Microsoft accounts are no longer permanently linked. You can logout and log into a new Microsoft account as many times as you want per PlayStation account.
- Note: It can take up to 15 minutes after unlinking to be able to link a new account.
Nintendo Switch:
- Added Gryo aiming controls. (Can be enabled / disabled in the Options screen).
- Four leaf clover cave properly renders on Switch.
- Cutscene videos are less choppy.
- Microsoft accounts are no longer permanently linked. You can logout and log into a new Microsoft account as many times as you want per Nintendo account.
- Note: It can take up to 15 minutes after unlinking to be able to link a new account.
Major Fixes:
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when repairing buildings.
- Fixed crash that could occur when using charged bow attacks with a Sleek Bard’s Tudor and Sleek Fire Ant armor.
- Fixed crash that could occur when loading a save while having a pet.
- Fixed additional random crashing that could occur.
Other Bug Fixes:
- Arcane Archer status effect properly triggers now.
- Clients who join Remixed yards and have Milk Molar stats below the hosts will no longer improperly get double the Milk Molar bonuses.
- Activating a creature trophy, Gong, or Termite Organ near a ladder no longer produces a harsh noise beforehand.
- “Gotta Peep Them All” achievement properly triggers if the last card you collect is a gold card.
- Handful of fixes related to joining games and crossplay.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when downloading your own Playground.