General Issues
Fixed in Future Patch
The "Calcium Overwhelming" BURG.L Quest's requirement is not correctly displaying the correct amount of remaining molars on NG+ loop.
Swapping strafe keys with structure rotate keys results in game not recognizing new input properly.
Roof Interior Corners are not accurately connected to each other.
Needs Your Help!
Players are reporting an issue with extremely low mouse sensitivity.
Low Priority/Non-Game Breaking Issues
Items can be thrown inside a rock near the Pond.
Crusty Roly Poly Helmet cannot be picked up on older saves.
"Requires a busting tool" prompt is shown after hitting Moldorc castle with any tool.
Grubs appear to spawn on any surface, such as dried leaves near the Oak Tree.
Patch 1.4.4 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Player stats (molars) do not match after changing Shared World ownership twice.
Fixed on Live
The game is crashing when using a charged bow attack with a Sleek Bard's Tudor and Sleek Fire Ant Armor equipped.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to unlink the account attached to cross-play.
Patch 1.4.3 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting that when they switch consoles or switch a multiplayer game to shared world with cross play are losing their player data.
Fixed on Live
Ants inside the Black Anthill, and Lawnmower Anthill are hoarding huge amounts of food bits.
Fixed on Live
Pet ants or any other type of follower is knocking players off ledges when they teleport.
Fixed on Live
Ant pets are disappearing on specific save files.
Fixed on Live
Some players aren't unlocking the POI Hedge Ascent.
Fixed on Live
Non cross-play players are not receiving invites from cross-play players.
Patch 1.4.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
When looting creatures there is a slight delay that appears to be a microstutter to the player.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to build stairs without direct support underneath them.
Fixed on Live
During insect wave attacks (base raids, & Javamatic) some insects are invincible.
Fixed on Live
Location Obstructed error is occurring if players build on or near large objects.
Patch 1.3.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
There are water sounds when walking around the pond lab even if there is no water on the floor.
Fixed on Live
Dew drops are remaining in the air after the grass they were on has been destroyed by an explosion.
Fixed on Live
Knocking off dew drop from Dew Collector does not update correctly for the client
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting that they cannot save/load while playing with no internet connection.
Fixed on Live
Gotta peep them all achievement isn't unlocking for players.
Fixed on Live
Client does not recieve A Muse Sting after joining the save where the Wasp Queen was already killed once
Patch 1.4.1 Fixes
Patch 1.2.4 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Poison coating is damaging the player.
Fixed on Live
Some players are not getting the loot from the Assistant Manager or [REDACTED] after defeating them.
Fixed on Live
[REDACTED] boss is completely missing from it's arena on specific saves.
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting performance degradation when using the Spicy Staff or looking in a Worm Holes rocket.
Fixed on Live
Bur Weeds are invisible for players.
Patch 1.4.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Audio logs are not showing up as collected in the data tab.
Fixed on Live
Certain non-grid buildings are not showing up properly for clients.
Fixed on Live
Inspecting POI in data menu breaks the map and moves icons out of position.
Fixed on Live
Players are getting an Account Provision Error when logging in.
Patch 1.3.5 Fixes
Patch 1.3.3 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Various buildings are rotating after save/load.
Fixed on Live
Various buildings are rotating after switching between Play mode and Design mode in Playgrounds.
Fixed on Live
Dew drops are falling off of collector after loading a save.
Fixed on Live
The "Push to Sprint" game option isn't properly toggling Sprint off if you press the Sprint button while Sprinting.
Fixed on Live
Health bars are showing up incorrectly and selecting players instead of creatures
Patch 1.2.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Lint not respawning
Fixed on Live
Players are getting stuck in front of the Super Duper after inserting a disc.
Fixed on Live
The post game report card cannot be closed with a controller.
Fixed on Live
When broken gear and repairing resources are both in the chest menu the player is unable to repair
Patch 1.2.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Collision issues causing the player character to become stuck or free falling entering the Flower Pot under the Shed
Fixed on Live
Items dug up from underwater seem to vibrate making them exceedingly difficult to pick up.
Fixed on Live
Game does not let the player to log into the Xbox Live account after running the game as administrator
Fixed on Live
Clients are unable to use ziplines in most instances.
Fixed on Live
Very long ziplines are appearing invisible.
Fixed on Live
Natural Explorer Perk doesn't give back speed for a long time after killing a creature.
Fixed on Live
Game crashes after a short time while playing on big saves
Patch 1.1
Fixed on Live
If the host is dead, clients start to clip through most textures.
Fixed on Live
Multiple Rust nodes fall outside of the world inside the Termite Woodpile.
Fixed on Live
Spicy Shards after breaking Hot Chachas Candy may roll and fall down the side of the tarp and become unreachable.
Fixed on Live
BURG.L is located under the Oak Lab on specific saves.
Fixed on Live
On some specific saves, the Big Brain Time tape is missing in the Haze lab.
Fixed on Live
Creatures are instantly regaining aggro after picking up an incapacitated player.
Fixed on Live
Reliable Friend mutation is preventing solo players from achieving the 100% on the report card.
Fixed on Live
Holiday trees aren’t providing presents on specific saves.
Patch 1.0.5 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Attacking any creature with the Natural Explorer mutation activated lowers the movement speed value.
Fixed on Live
Some players are unable to start the Javamatic sequence.
Fixed on Live
Xbox One has reduced performance and may power down due to overheating during the mantis battle.
Fixed on Live
Black ants are gathering lots of food in water between the trash bags that is causing performance issues.
Patch 1.0.4 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Some stairs and structures from old saves are incorrectly rotated.
Fixed on Live
Players were moving backwards/up on specific ziplines.
Fixed on Live
Players are losing all of their gear when they disconnect or crash during a MP game.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to obtain the "Mixing Rig" note.
Patch 1.0.3 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Salty damage is missing from the OS Survival Guide.
Fixed on Live
The game crashes when players use the Sort Inventory button in specific instances.
Fixed on Live
Grubs become near invisible if dug up and allowed to return to the ground.
Fixed on Live
Prod Smacker can be picked up through wall.
Patch 1.0.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Loose backpacks have disappeared after updating the game to 1.0.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to rename chests in multiplayer regardless of account settings.
Fixed on Live
Recycling the Grinders made on the previous versions crashes the game on specific saves.
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting that when they attack something while wearing their full set of Mantis armor, they receive the Bleed debuff.
Fixed on Live
Some Mutation ranks get reset to 1 after loading save before 1.0 update.
Patch 1.0.1 Fixes
Patch 1.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Sometimes gnats will fall through the ground when killed.
Fixed on Live
Having more than one controller connected can cause issues with UI.
Fixed on Live
Player ends up as a spectator camera when they spawn in a multiplayer game.
Fixed on Live
Grounded is crashing on launch for Windows 7/8 players.
Fixed on Live
Bubbles are floating in the air at the 4-leaf clover.
Patch 0.13.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Spiders are getting into areas that should be too small for them.
Fixed on Live
Clients crash when attempting to use any production building
Fixed on Live
Changing Walls and Floors causes buildings supported by them to be destroyed
Fixed on Live
Player drinks from the Charcoal Canteen while using "Repair" option on controller.
Patch 0.13.0 Fixes
Patch 0.12.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Splinter Master and Shrinky and the Brain have not been unlocking for players correctly.
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting their available Milk Molars have been changing when reloading the game.
Fixed on Live
Certain weapons when equipped appear to be invisible.
Fixed on Live
Walls and roofs have been appearing invisible for clients.
Patch 0.12.1 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Gum nuggets are not falling after being harvested.
Fixed on Live
Clients are reporting performance issues when using the SCAN.R.
Fixed on Live
Players are crashing when turning off a waypoint marker in the map.
Fixed on Live
Players with large bases are experiencing crashes
Fixed on Live
Health bars are not appearing when you dig up grubs.
Patch 0.12.0 Fixes
Patch 0.11.4 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Client players have not been unlocking achievements.
Fixed on Live
Grass blades are disappearing after being chopped once.
Fixed on Live
Hotpouch doesn't work sometimes for clients when they die after joining a multiplayer game.
Fixed on Live
After loading into a game players hotpouch slots are white boxes.
Patch 0.11.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Client players are crashing due to issues with hauling, Pet HUD Markers, and baking.
Fixed on Live
Bombing the dice on the picnic table launches them off the map.
Fixed on Live
Taking meat off of the Roasting Spit or items out of the Garden Patch will open the UI as well.
Fixed on Live
Completed BURG.L quest trail markers are not loading correctly.
Fixed on Live
Thistle Needles Not Respawning
Patch 0.11.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Wolf spiders are walking around during the day when starting a new game.
Fixed on Live
Hot pouch settings are not saving properly for clients.
Fixed on Live
BURG.L Chips on the map are not displaying properly for clients.
Fixed on Live
Sign sets for Sign Frames are not unlocked by default in Creative Mode.
Fixed on Live
Players and bugs are launched into space when randomly stepping on dropped/chopped items.
Fixed on Live
Walls aren't properly crenelating.
Patch 0.10.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Clients who have older saves from previous Grounded updates have not been able to access mutations properly.
Fixed on Live
Smoothie Station goops are not being removed from inventories when crafting a freestyle smoothie that matches an actual recipe version.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to accept a game invite while the game is suspended and trying to resume.
Fixed on Live
Muting a player in your friend's list does not prevent them from sending you in game texts.
0.10.1 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Achievements for Clients are not unlocking reliably after joining a game.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to change the language of the game in the options menu.
Fixed on Live
Pet's locations are being reset by the "Fix Creature Location" option in the debug menu.
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting that pets remain in their house or as active followers even after they die.
Fixed on Live
Players are unable to delete saves.
Patch 0.10.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
The energy, thirst, hunger & health meters don't update correctly in the menus.
Fixed on Live
The game is crashing when starting or loading a game for Windows 7/8 players.
Fixed on Live
Grass Planks, Weed Stems, and Clover Leaves are sinking in water.
Fixed on Live
Player backpacks are sinking in the water.
Fixed on Live
The game is crashing when destroying towers of standalone ladders.
Fixed on Live
Moving items back and forth in the Container UI is causing crashes for players with large bases.
Fixed on Live
Larva that are dug up and killed aren't recognized in the Kill Larva BURG.L Quest.
Fixed on Live
Grass Planks and Weed Stems No Longer Float
Fixed on Live
Sap Collector blueprints are not easily placed properly.
Fixed on Live
If the player pushes the X button next to something in the blueprint menu, it will interact with it instead of place the blueprint.
Patch 0.9.1 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Players have reported a hole in the ground that when they fall through, they fall out of the yard.
Fixed on Live
Stuffed creatures aren't showing up in the crafting menu.
Fixed on Live
Save Conversion Crash
Fixed on Live
When using the map and other players leave the game, it crashes.
Fixed on Live
The game is crashing when loading a game with collapsed buildings that haven't been fully destroyed.
Fixed on Live
Diving Bell Spider Chunk has no icon.
Patch 0.9.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Game difficulty is changed upon loading into lobby. (Visual Only)
Fixed on Live
Save games are not properly displaying the correct mode in the multiplayer lobby.
Fixed on Live
Promised Chipsleuth quest science rewards are not being correctly shown to clients.
Fixed on Live
When throwing grass blades or weed stems in the third person, most of them thrown to the side instead of in front of the player.
Fixed on Live
Creatures are walking through walls when not looking at them.
Fixed on Live
Crow Feathers are not despawning.
Fixed on Live
Players have been reporting inconsistencies when placing signs on walls.
Patch 0.8.1 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Bases built on certain objects are be considered "Unsupported" on load and will collapse after being modified.
Fixed on Live
Clients will randomly fail to register melee and ranged attacks.
Fixed on Live
Players have been experiencing lag/hitching when looking at buildings in large bases.
Fixed on Live
Client backpacks are falling through the world endlessly.
Fixed on Live
The Trail Marker for the BURG.L Quest: "Weed Killer Peak" is not in the correct location.
Patch 0.8.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Grid buildings are being anchored to tables.
Fixed on Live
Typing "w" in lobby chat sends the message.
Fixed on Live
Scaffold anchor issue.
Fixed on Live
Not enough dew spawning in the world.
Fixed on Live
Big pebbles are not respawning.
Fixed on Live
The repair tool is not always working.
Fixed on Live
When using the snaplock feature while relocating a structure, the structure disappears when placed.
Fixed on Live
Players are able to repair equipment without the required resources.
Patch 0.7.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Buildings weren't placing correctly while looking at interactable objects.
Fixed on Live
Clients were unable to place base building blueprints on top of other bases correctly.
Fixed on Live
Client players are crashing while rotating buildings during relocation.
Fixed on Live
Some players have been crashing when starting to create a zipline.
Fixed on Live
On some rare occasions players are crashing when a loot bag is dropped from another player that leaves the game.
Fixed on Live
The repair item window always assumes players have enough ingredients to repair.
Patch 0.7.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Fireflies aren't appearing for players in the backyard.
Fixed on Live
The game is lagging when trying to place or remove buildings on saves with huge numbers of buildings.
Fixed on Live
Players are reporting that they have built grid structures completely underground.
Fixed on Live
Save game thumbnail appears corrupted or distorted.
Fixed on Live
Toggle Crouch option is not saving and working correctly.
Patch 0.6.2 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Client players crashing on joining/respawning
Fixed on Live
Client players crashing on when executing hold button interacts.
Fixed on Live
Some players have reported crashing when looking at the map.
Fixed on Live
Client players have been crashing when destroying buildings.
Fixed on Live
Client players are not able to unset their respawn point.
Fixed on Live
Building in a multi-floor structure would cause the new construction to be placed on the floor above the current floor.
Fixed on Live
Players unable to drink from a canteen while holding a shield.
Fixed on Live
Ants are aggroing on players when harvesting crow feathers.
Patch 4.0.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Some players on PC are reporting High Ping issues.
Fixed on Live
Water fleas are floating in the air.
Fixed on Live
Game crashing while loading into a game session.
Fixed on Live
Some players are experiencing game freezes when loading a saved game.
Fixed on Live
Mouse controls are not working on Xbox One.
Fixed on Live
Some Xbox and Windows Store players are unable to find friend lobbies.
Fixed on Live
Some Steam players are unable to see their friends in the game lobby.
Patch 0.3.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Game audio is distorting for some players.
Fixed on Live
Dandelion stems and tufts are being flung into the air.
Fixed on Live
An older save is deleted when trying to make a save when saves are otherwise unable to be made.
Fixed on Live
Furniture locations can become desynced for guest players.
Fixed on Live
Ants are spawning at an incredible rate.
Fixed on Live
Some ant eggs are unable to be picked up.
Fixed on Live
BURG.L Alchemy quests are not always able to be turned in.
Fixed on Live
Certain blueprints are giving players difficulty with placement.
Fixed on Live
Some multiplayer guests are having sync issues when building.
Fixed on Live
Some players are hearing sound effects triggered by other far off players.
Patch 0.2.0 Fixes
Fixed on Live
Save files are disappearing.
Fixed on Live
Creatures are able to get through walls and obstacles.
Fixed on Live
Guest players are having trouble harvesting berries.
Fixed on Live
Some clients rejoining a multiplayer host game are finding their inventory is missing.
Fixed on Live
Some players are having trouble finding ant eggs.
Fixed on Live
Some backpacks are falling through the ground upon player death.
Fixed on Live
Armor Dummy and Weapon Rack are not always displaying their held items.
Fixed on Live
Berries are invisible or hard to interact with as a guest player.
Fixed on Live
Husky Weeds are not respawning.
Fixed on Live
A fired arrow can sometimes end up as oversized.
Fixed on Live
Acorn mask does not always have proper texture.
Fixed on Live
Voice chat is automatically set to "On Activity".
Fixed on Live
Deleting a blueprint could ultimately delete the entire blueprint or some of the built base.
Fixed on Live
Players are getting a "Can't Mix Fluids" error when drinking.
Fixed on Live
Steam players get "Hosting Error" when attempting to join or host a multiplayer game.
Fixed on Live
Voice controls do not turn off.
Fixed on Live
There are no language options other than English.