The bugs are starting to get antsy in Public Test 0.13

The bugs have had enough, and now it's their turn to FIGHT BACK in the newest public test!
Important Note: Your quest status will be reset with this patch. Our work on bringing you the story is going to cause some quest changes to have to happen in the background, so you will need to redo quests you have done previously. But everything you have built, crafted, and purchased in the backyard will all remain untouched!
The test is optional, but we always appreciate the extra help! Please keep in mind that this game is still in the early development phase, and there is always a risk when testing out new features. Any progress you make on the test server may or may not carry over, so please keep this in mind when you join. We love having you all help us and appreciate it greatly.
After joining the test server, be sure to join our Discord server if you haven't yet so that you can chat with others who are testing! Not only that, you'll have an easy way to share your feedback and suggestions with the community and directly with the dev team as well!
We hope you enjoy your time in the Public Test Server and stay tuned for more Grounded news!
Stay safe, and stay Grounded!
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